How did we reach the TOP 10 on ICOBench and got a 4.8 rating for free without any unscrupulous means!
The crypto market is going through a strong bearish phase and it’s not as easy to raise funds in ICOs as it was before. Investors have become diligent and are found to back only those projects that have a world class scalable solution to a real world problem, expert and experienced team and a solid developmental roadmap. In such a scenario, we focussed our energies and resources on development. With our authentic credentials, we wanted to get great ratings and ranking on a reputed review site like ICOBench, because we knew that when the market stabilizes, we will be rewarded due to a good rating and ranking.
Getting a good rating is key to ICO success and we’ll share with you how we reached amongst the TOP 10 on ICObench without any paid reviews or other improper means.

A good rating on a reputed ICO review site gives a lot of confidence to your potential contributors and partners. Also, while you prepare to be reviewed on a site, you also ensure that you tick all the “must do” boxes and get all the “must haves.” Once done, you’ll be ready to get reviews from expert and prepare to “go to the moon.”
The 2 rules of rating :
1 — Don’t Pay an ICOBench Expert for reviewing your ICO
2- Don’t pay an ICOBench Expert for reviewing your ICO
Now that we have underlined the importance of not getting a PAID REVIEW for your ICO, let’s understand a bit about how we did things for SaTT.
First of all, make the most of Benchy, the resourceful little bot at ICOBench. It will help you understand a lot about how ICOs are reviewed, what information you will need before your ICO gets reviewed and who are the experts you can approach for reviewing your ICO. We found a lot of value in this approach because experts need the most relevant elements to understand the project and giving you a good rating.
There are points to take care of if you want to reach the first page!
Table of Contents
Work with a good team and empower them:
Evaluation of a team depends on the number of team members and the availability and transparency of their individual profiles. 100% score can be achieved by having more than four members on the team, with full names, real photos and LinkedIn profiles of all members provided, and having a certain amount of team members with ICO Success Score.

Getting a good team isn’t easy at all, but if you already have one, highlight them as a good team is the key to success of the project as well as for getting a great rating. It worked in our favor that our company existed since 2014 and we already had a good team in place. All we did was ask team members create or update their LinkedIn profiles. For the key members of the team, you have to complete the ICOBench KYC, which we did.
You also need a group of reputed advisors that are well known in the crypto market. You can search for some truly great people to mentor you through your journey, on LinkedIn. Once your project gets some hype, you’ll receive a ton of proposals!

Determine the parameters of your ICO and publish them :

Explain your project’s tokenomics in great detail, the delay you need to complete your ICO and the way people will pay you. It’s important to distribute the token fairly between the various stakeholders of the project.
Product presentation:
Evaluation of the product presentation depends on the easy availability and informative nature of the white paper, milestones and the explainer video. 100% score can be achieved by providing a well laid-out white paper with detailed information about project, ICO, team and future plans, a detailed road map and a video presentation. Roadmaps or milestones which list only Pre-ICO and ICO dates and do not tell anything about the project development are not accepted.
Its best to create an MVP (Minimum Viable Product). This can be a great way to showcase your development skills as well as your niche expertise about blockchain. At Atayen, we started by creating an awesome and easy-to-use wallet and a decentralized exchange.
Be VERY active on ALL social media and forums:
Evaluating the communication part of the ICO is what makes the ICO profile rating dynamic. ICOBench not only checks the presence of your project on social media platforms, but also sees the level of activity on them. 100% score can be achieved by providing the links to all the listed social media networks (Telegram, Github, Bitcoin Wiki, and Reddit) and by being active on Twitter, Facebook, Medium, and Bitcointalk.
It’s very difficult to create a post on bitcointalk, you must be at least a Jr. Member to post images. You need to be authentic and honest in all your communications and keep the community interested in your project by helping them know more about it and by engaging them in active discussions. You also need to run contests, giveaways and polls to keep the community active and to attract more members.
It should not appear that your team is creating artificial hype. Word of mouth publicity of the project through your loyal community members is what will give traction to your project in the long run and this is what ICOBench will look at.
Now, what’s next?
Once we ticked all the right boxes of requirements, we reached out to an ICOBench expert to give us their review of the project. We never paid them and simply focussed on reaching the most trusted and reputed experts. The process was a great learning experience as the feedback obtained from these pros helped us finetune many of our project aspects.
If you’re an ICOBench expert, feel free to review our project and contact us if you have questions regarding our project. It is always a pleasure to discuss the SaTT project and our ICO.