The Smart Contract SaTT will change the transaction between advertisers and content editors!
The SaTT is an ERC20 token created to facilitate advertising transactions with a smart contract.
Instant transactions, safe and functional. No more late payments or expensive banking services.
A decentralized system to quantify the results of a campaign thanks to third-party applications and its smartcontract.
The business model of traditional and centralized advertising agencies is based on a prohibitive cost of entry and monthly billing for services provided and affiliated commission payments can take several months, lead to significant transfer fees and be blocked in case billing minimum not met.
In the case of a technical failure on a centralized platform, all ad campaigns stop working until the incident is resolved and if a centralized network is hacked, hackers can access all accounts in the system.
Thanks to the Smart Contract SaTT, ads and transactions are governed by modules of autonomous beings secured
by the Ethereum blockchain. In the event of a malfunction of a module or Oracle, the integrity of other advertisers’
ads are preserved.
Table of Contents
System operation
Blockchain & Tokenized Economy
Token Sale
Visit the http://satt-token.com to get involved