10 reasons why advertising will not escape the Blockchain Revolution
French Article: https://satt-token.com/blog/fr/2021/08/19/10-raisons-pour-lesquelles-la-publicite-ne-va-pas-echapper-a-la-revolution-blockchain/
At SaTT, our ambition is to revolutionize the digital marketing market. This is why we created the advertising cryptocurrency. The blockchain is democratizing in an infinite number of fields, and that of advertising is not spared. It is with a determination that advertising will create its place in the blockchain ecosystem. In this article, you will understand the significant benefits of its use.
Table of Contents
1 – Decentralization
Decentralization avoids loopholes and potential errors in the process of validating a contract. Many validators check each contract. Ethereum employs more than 5,000 nodes worldwide to verify the validity of transactions circulating on the network.
2 – Security
Most blockchain networks have no flaws. They are tough to achieve (51% attack) or very quickly corrected when there are any. This allows, in the long run, utterly decentralized use of a trust. If a system part is attacked, then decentralization enables the continuity of the functioning of the rest of the network. This protects the entire network.
3 – Anti-fraud, Anti-cheating
The statistics obtained are sent directly to the smart contracts so that no one can cheat on the statistics sent to the network. On the advertiser’s side, compensation for content creators is sent automatically. Neither party can abuse the terms governed by smart contracts;
4 – Transparency
The blockchain makes it possible to have a 100% reliable history of everything on the networks. Etherscan, Bscscan, Blockchain Explorer are the perfect examples. APIs can use these visualization tools. Any DApp (decentralized application) can then combine its internal data with these networks to derive relevant results.
5 – Reduced costs
The more the blockchain evolves, the more we arrive at less and less expensive user fees. Regardless of the amount and location of the transfer, the fees are the same. These costs are not comparable to those of an international transfer.
6 – New income and savings
Between DeFi, NFTs, and Play To Earn, more and more means within the blockchain make it possible to perpetuate savings. These new means offer attractive offers compared to traditional finance. Conversely, these offers are much riskier if you are new to the sector, be careful with your wallet!
7 – Eliminating intermediaries
Indeed, since smart contracts govern everything, intermediaries between advertisers and content creators become superfluous. For example, on the SaTT platform, the advertiser offers its advertising campaign directly in a public space, while content creators can apply for any campaign.
8 – Automation
Automation is enabled by the multitude of parameters that a smart contract can contain. These parameters are programmed so that everything is planned. At SaTT, the advertiser regulates his total budget, the usable social networks, the earnings according to each interaction, etc.
9 – International management
Internet facilitates communication throughout the world, whether public or private. Blockchain is now recognized for making secure, fast, and low-cost payments internationally.
10 – Local management
Again, the parameters of the smart contracts are broad. It is possible to create location settings. Departmental, regional, national or international, everything is adjustable.