What is PancakeSwap? An innovative Uniswap fork
French Article: https://satt-token.com/blog/fr/2021/08/12/quest-ce-que-pancakeswap-un-fork-duniswap-innovant/
At the end of 2020, PancakeSwap was put together by anonymous developers with love for breakfasts and bunnies. We are talking about a leading decentralized exchange (DEX) on Binance’s Smart Chain (BSC). It is a fork of Uniswap, a copy of DEX # 1 of the Ethereum blockchain.
How to trade SaTT on PancakeSwap: https://satt-token.com/blog/2021/02/23/pancakeswap-bnb-%e2%86%94-satt-bep20-en/
How to add liquidity on PancakeSwap SaTT/BNB pool: https://satt-token.com/blog/2021/02/23/pancakeswap-liquidity-pool-satt-bep20-bnb-en/
Through an Automated Market Maker (AMM), the PancakeSwap platform for exchanging tokens directly and effectively BEP-20 thanks to liquidity pools securely.
Liquidity pools are filled with funds from other users. Each one deposits tokens in it to receive, in return, liquidity provider tokens. These tokens can be used for participants to recoup their share, plus a portion of the trading fees.
One of the main objectives of PancakeSwap is to provide a faster and cheaper solution on the market. Among its multiple functionalities, there is, in particular, the possibility of “farming” of stacking its tokens, knowing that the exclusive currency of the platform is the CAKE token, which is gaining in importance.
PancakeSwap didn’t just make a simple copy of Uniswap, since it brings many additional features. Syrup pools, Market prediction, Lottery, Team Battle, NFT profile, and more. Gambling games that Uniswap does not offer.
Thanks to these many innovative features, PancakeSwap has democratized the Binance Smart Chain. Binance Smart Chain and PancakeSwap have allowed DApp SaTT to open up to additional blockchains, at a lower cost, despite the main objective being the use of Ethereum 2.0.