How to avoid scams on Telegram
It’s pretty easy to spot scam on the internet, from their blunder in the use of grammar to ridiculous mistakes and unfathomable promises. Hotbeds for scam activities include, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram and Reddit. These places have been eroded by scammers trying to take advantage of the members of the public.
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Here are the steps in which anyone can use to identify scams in telegram
impersonation of a member of a team is the most popular scam strategy by con artists on Telegram, they sometimes replicate the username, display picture (dp) and Bio of admins of the project and member of the team. Some project groups have inbuilt bots that can be deployed to check if such username is valid but in the absence of such checks, it’s easy to identify such scams. By simply going back to crosscheck the details of the “CeO” sending you a message first, you could spot the difference in no time.
For example check and compare the difference between SaTT CEO Gauthier Bros original profile and a scammer profile offering to “help” using the CEO details.
Spot the difference?
In the fake profile the word “Bio” was used in place of “Username”. Notice also the display pictures and the difference in the usernames. Where one name carry the extra “s” in the “Bros”.
Real profile
Fake profile
First message:
Most project teams do not send personal messages first no matter the discussion, oftentimes in the case of restriction of one party by telegram, project teams would rather send you an email correspondence than send you PM first. Instead, you’ll be asked to send the message first to guide against scammers from taking advantage of naive users. So next time when a “CeO” sends you a pm first, stay alert, you are most certainly talking to a scammer.
Profile Tagged as scam:
Telegram took further steps in ensuring that users are very much protected using the platform. Numerous reports have reached the desk of the popular chat network about the proliferation of scam activities in the platform, Telegram have initiated the antiscam/spam bot that allows users to report user directly who are in the business of scamming unsuspecting members of the public
The tag “scam” is boldly written next to the username of the con artist to warn clearly unsuspecting members of the public who may be the next potential victim. Telegram has a special bot “@notoscam” anyone can easily report scam activities and users, after checks by the telegram team or in the case of more complaints such members are tagged saving more unsuspecting members.
So when next you see the “Scam” tag on a profile, simply use the “report” button so you don’t belong to the next group of scammed users seeking for respite like the above group.
Phishing Links:
Really, some scammers and scamming activities are quite sophisticated, they often come with juicy packages and promises, they do not ask you for money directly, they send links that are different from the main project website eg cex.io phished into cex-io.com, such subtle methods may not be easily noticed by most users which have proved quite an effective scamming means.
Support team:
You could be easily swarmed by a beehive of scammers when you report a problem or seek support assistance in a public telegram group, they come stretching their “helping hands” to scam you. They pretend to have solutions but in all of the cases are there to scam your hard earned money.
They typically demand you to send some funds to some wallet to get your problem solved quickly. Yeah, to scam you.
Ask to send “returnable funds” because they are “trustworthy” and only there to help you.
Invites you for a special giveaway contest not available to other members of the group.
The list is endless, the demands are outrageous and oftentimes subtle. It behooves users to stay alert and not be greedy. Users who fall prey to these unscrupulous members of the public are either naive or plain greedy.
How to avoid getting scammed
Do not be greedy, when an opportunity sounds too good to be true, it’s oftentimes a lie. Follow your gut instinct in making decisions and replying to scammers under the guise of members of the admin, support team or CEO.
By simply double checking the messages and proposals in the main group, the chances of getting ripped off your cash is reduced significantly.
The most effective strategy of scammers combined with the above mentioned is the hasty attitude of most proposals. ‘You’ve got a few hours to send funds for this bonus’. A true opportunity from the project will be public and allow for a lot of time before closing.
Really you could have a cool experience without scams when using telegram to follow your favorite project. Stay safe.
SaTT has reached its softcap requirements last week thanks to its wonderful community.