SaTT ICO raised $1,000,000 in just 48 hours
In 2020 the world has gone into a full frenzy mode and is filled with the excitement of what the blockchain is currently achieving and promises to fulfill even more.
Speculation at the start of the year shows that the overall sentiments of the blockchain is on the positive side despite the economic meltdown that ravaged the world; crippling industries, investments and businesses, governments and institutions, sending some countries economies to their recessions for the first time.
None of the world’s recessions or depressions were caused by an average Joe but always as a result of either government actions or inactions. So when in 2009 the world witnessed its first independent currency powered by the blockchain it grew significantly over the years.
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The Journey of SaTT – 2 years and still standing
We’re proud to announce that SaTT closes this sales round with over $1,000,000 raised under 48 hours last week. Absolutely incredible feat considering that not all projects survived the harsh 2018-2019 winter witnessed in crypto history. In fact this period saw the death of credible projects whose original intentions were noble.
Today in 2020 the narrative and view about the blockchain seems to have changed drastically with recent DeFi momentum which seems unstoppable even at this time. According to Defi Plus current value in USD is $9.16bn and growing.
Our token, SaTT has maintained its lead in the top blockchain/CryptoCurrency monitoring website Icobench.com with a whopping point of over 4.5 the whole of the time it was in its ICO phase from 2018 till the recent conclusion of the tokensales.
Result of hard work or sheer luck?
Do we see our recent success in the token sales as a result of hard work or sheer luck? We believe that hard work mixed with dedication and drive brought about this to SaTT.
All through the drought, SaTT team led by CEO of Atayen Gauthier Bros didn’t stop developing the platform. Optimizing the user experience, the SaTT platform has collaborated and integrated with top existing social media platforms: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter.
It has reached all strata of influencers from low to top level, in a bid to reward them for their activities in the platform.
We didn’t stop developing which also means we didn’t stop having the hardcore believers in the project today. Distinguishing it correctly from projects in its category with already working solutions.
What’s next for SaTT…
The resilience shown by our team has continued to fuel the excitement witnessed in its recent tokensales and observations gathered from the telegram group shows that tokensales seems to explode the more as the team targets to list in exchanges in coming weeks.
Does this signal the start of the long awaited bull run? Only time will tell.