What Budget is suitable for my SaTT Campaign
For most companies and businesses, advertising is more of a necessity in their growth plan. A lot of business owners do not slip up on the chance to market their business products to the world using a variety of different channels. Advertising has become a front runner among the many smart strategies utilized by modern businesses to increase market share.
Two main types of advertising roles exist in the market today with a increased focus on the second.
Traditional digital advertising which deals with mainstream media adverts and influencer marketing which is the current form of advertisement that has more proven effective. Recent studies suggest that it’s 11 times more effective than the traditional digital advertising.
Collaborating with influencers within your marketing niche could be a game changer for the overall benefit of your marketing strategy. One key reason for this is the feedback mechanism which this strategy achieves from the would be customers as customers have the unique opportunity of discussing directly with the business.
Besides the fact is that influencers have a tighter connection to their followers than traditional media would have. A vantage point influencing marketing seeks to explore.
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Bringing it together
Why influencing marketing continues to dominate other marketing strategies, one problem faced by many businesses is the cost of engagement. A lot of young businesses have the notion that influencer marketing strategy is only achieved when performed by people with high followership, why they might be correct, it’s also seen that key influencers with smaller followings are a good start point and could convert way better than those with huge followings.
The interest of blockchain in digital advertising has given way for many innovative solutions and platforms. SaTT is one such platform that has broken through the barriers of traditional digital advertising to touch the lives of many ordinary individuals via an innovative influencer marketing platform with an attractive incentive model.
Here is how SaTT structures it
Let’s say anyone with a good amount of followership wishing to become an influencer can plug into the SaTT ecosystem and participate in any open campaign available. Taking advantage of a wide and vast collection of influencers ranging from small to the big influencers, the SaTT platform becomes really highly lucrative for businesses to run their adverts.
Advertising budget is a core of the whole advertising experience, setting the right budget could mean very good delivery of the needed metrics for your advertisement, setting substandard budget or over budgeting may lead to loss of both expectation and money.
A very key aspect of the SaTT advertising ecosystem is the fact that advertisers are in charge of the metrics they want to see, for example advertisers are at liberty to choose the price per clicks, views, shares, comments etc. This gives a feel of control of the marketing budget spent.
How do I budget for my SaTT Campaign?
Fair price:
The goal of advertising is to attract the big players, the medium size influencers who may be willing to take on the job of spreading the news of your business. Go too low and you may not attract this kind. You may end up attracting only those whose followership may not contribute to the expected advertising experience or contribute only a little.
Balancing the equilibrium between being fair in price and not overspending is a key to achieving the expected result for your campaign in an expected timeline. Over spending your budget to catch the top players especially will leave you high and dry and will also exhaust your budget fast. You want to keep a balance expense all through the campaign.
Cost determination:
Prices of tokens are continuously fluctuating in the market. Another means of ensuring you’re spending the right budget is ensuring you know the price worth of the expected total advertising campaign in SaTT tokens. This is essential for keeping a realistic expectation of the outcome. Top recommendation for cost determination and value delivery; having a budget of $1500 as a minimum would fulfil your expectations for your ads.
Remember the equilibrium between fair pricing and not over spending. Maintaining the minimum amount for your campaign achieves that. Peep the maths below:
1 SaTT token cost about $0.001
$1500 worth of SaTT tokens will yield 464,285.90 SaTT tokens inclusive of bonus.
Here is what 464,285.90 SaTT tokens would help you achieve:
Price per view on YouTube = 25 SaTT. It will take approximately 18,571.436 views to exhaust your $1500 budget.
Price per like and share on Facebook,Twitter and Instagram = 250 SaTT. It will take approximately 3095 likes and shares by participating influencers to exhaust your budget.
Putting all of this together we come to notice that maintaining the minimum budget and even going above will give you a longer advertising campaign and better ROI. A win-win for all parties involved.
NB: This SaTT payment goes to the participating members who take part in the campaign. A standard gas fee is required for transaction purposes in the Ethereum blockchain.