Why create advertising Campaign with SaTT
Every business needs the right environment, fair pricing and transparency. Many people talking about their products or services is a rare blessing to thrive successfully in a competitive advertising landscape. Most businesses aim for making profit from day 1. Without proper access to right target audiences, they sometimes could be seen doing anything to close deals and make sales.
SaTT advertising helps businesses propagate and amplify their messages, giving new customers/clients insight into what is obtained in new or existing companies. Ways of achieving this objective include radio, television, print media, the internet, billboards and sign posts. Podcasts on the internet have proven really quite effective to use these days.
In today’s blockchain Era, with the constant migration of various traditional tech solutions into the blockchain, advertisers and publishers are making the shift too. No industry is waiting to be left behind, certainly not the advertising industry.
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Blockchain for Advertising
There are many benefits accrued to using the blockchain for advertising purposes, they include but not limited to:
Data security
Industry that deals with users’ data do not think twice to migrate to the blockchain ecosystem for the obvious reason of data security. Before now individuals, organizations seeked a safe data storage for their users/members/clients. It’s not unexpected that they are already actively involved and invested into a decentralized network like the blockchain best known in keeping users data safe.
Difficulty in establishing the true result of work done is amplified within the centralized architectural setup like we have it traditional advertising technology. In blockchain since the system is distributed and open, manipulation of data is essentially next to impossible.
Active participants
Bitcoin Hashrates is increasing, believed to have surpassed that of 2017 depicting a bullish tendency, hashrates shows the amount of users in the network actively mining. It’s estimated that more than 10 million people are already actively engaging the blockchain with 289,183 transactions done daily, making it a juicy ground for advertising companies, businesses and firms.
Introduction to SaTT
The benefits of using a decentralized blockchain backed advertising network surely outweighs its risks. It’s pertinent for business/firm owners seeking to leverage these types of platforms for their businesses to do their due diligence before engaging existing platforms.
Most blockchain backed advertising platforms masquerade themselves as the next big thing, set to disrupt the system but with no minimum viable product {MVP} in site, no realizable roadmap for the execution. Save for a few active blockchain advertising platforms like the SaTT platform that have gotten it right.
SaTT {Smart Advertising Transaction Token} is a blockchain backed advertising platform for anyone who participates in the advertising economy seeking for an open, fair rewarding system, active community engaging, credible revenue generating system for their work as well as quality work output/input from the right crowd.
What differentiates SaTT?
Engaging Active Influencers
SaTT solution brings influencers of varying degrees together. Not many businesses/firms would have the opportunity of engaging this range of influencers from top-mid-low on a personal level.
Engaging influencers on a per head basis would probably mean increased overhead for the business. By utilizing the SaTT platform businesses/firms have a unique opportunity to attract purpose-fit influencers. Talking about their projects/products on various social media space/forums on a pocket friendly budget is a win-win for businesses.
Wider Reach
As cryptocurrency takes center discussion, sentiments are tilting towards blockchain solutions everyday. This puts users of the SaTT advertising ecosystem in a unique position. SaTT boasts of a huge number of users and influencers who are cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Their target audience is avid users across various social media platforms.
Leveraging on this reach, businesses have the unique opportunity of reaching thousands of users by plugging into the advert space on SaTT platform.
Low Barrier of Entry
Having to create ads with a centralized system sometimes could be herculean, for example Facebook the social media giant, requires an individual to own an account before anything else. Not only owning an account, a situation arising from residing in a country not supported by Facebook payment gateways can prove to be a super frustrating and a stressing experience. Payment processing, launching out in SaTT is as easy as it comes.
Since there are no restrictions as we have in centralized payment systems, users are not left frustrated.
Fair pricing and performance metrics
Budget-wise SaTT advertising provides competitive service and price points not obtained anywhere else. SaTT also allows advertisers to set the performance metrics and reward system they’d love to engage with. This gives the power and control back to the advertisers. Fair pricing is a great add to low barrier of entry for advertisers.
A $1500 worth of advertising campaign with a fair reward system for active influencers will result in a long promotion time and quality work input and output.
Advertisers are already on board into the smart contract enabled platform for effective advertising promotions of their campaigns. Business owners are already utilizing the SaTT Advertising Solutions, investors likewise are also taking advantage of the still existing token offering which is closing out quite fast. Now is the time to take a position.