SaTT will celebrate two-year anniversary — retrospective and future plans
This September 23rd, 2022, marks the official two-year anniversary of the “Listing” mission for our Moonboy! These past two years were jam-packed with significant milestones helping grow our community and global visibility. Now, what exactly have we accomplished this past year? And what awaits in 2023? We’re here to reveal all and even disclose a major surprise at the end!
Table of Contents
2021 – 2022 Busy Years for SaTT
Forget what SaTT has done these past few years, or were you just hibernating during the Bear Market? No worries, we’re here to catch you up on all that the app allowing you to farm your social networks has accomplished thus far.
Listing on Bittrex for more visibility and liquidity
Starting with November 4th, 2021, we listed the SaTT/USDT pair on the Bittrex exchange. Thanks to Bittrex’s global reputation, this listing, in addition to other great listing opportunities on other exchanges, has allowed us to open up the SaTT market to people from all over the world!
Buying SaTT has never been easier
After being listed on Bittrex, we needed to find a solution to our main issue — how can we make buying SaTT as easy as possible? And that’s when we discovered Simplex. Thanks to this solution, you can now buy SaTT directly with your credit card.
A $100,000 Twitter Campaign
To put our easy purchasing solution to the test, we launched a massive social farming campaign on Twitter with a $100,000 Ad Pool! Not only attracting new users but also successfully testing the SaTT platform’s sturdiness and attracting new companies to join in.
Adding new Oracles, say hello to TikTok and LinkedIn
We were also thrilled to add Tiktok and Linkedin to our supported networks, adding onto already existing Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. With these new social networks, SaTT was able to reach influencers of all socio-professional backgrounds and ages. Now, there’s really no excuse not to use our platform… You can thank us later.
Paris Blockchain Week Summit Mission
We saw the Paris Blockchain Week Summit not only as one of the most prestigious blockchain events, but an excellent opportunity to increase the adoption of SaTT.
That’s why, from April 13 to 14, we were pleased to be one of the event’s official sponsors. While connecting with some of the biggest names in the crypto industry, we were able to present our Ad Pools to more than 3,000 people and gather feedback in order to keep improving SaTT. Mission status: a complete success!
Social Farming is now also available on MATIC, TRON & BitTorrent.
To keep the momentum going, SaTT was added on Matic, Tron, and BitTorrent. Why you might ask? These blockchains, along with the other SaTT supporting networks, Ethereum and BNBChain (formerly BSC), are built to last, with strong communities and support from many micro-influencers, but no dApp in place to fully exploit the blockchain for advertizing. In short, a perfect playground for SaTT.
We’ve already launched an Ad Pool in BTT and another in TRX, so get your networks ready… set… go farm!
And if you want to look more into why we chose these networks, feel free to check here.
Moonboys are stronger together
Another great event was when our team had the opportunity to participate in Tron Blockchain’s 2022 Grand Hackathon. Thanks to the support from our community, we finished 1st in the First Runner-Up competition! Not stopping there, we then joined the sTRONgerTogetherChallenge organized by Laurent Perello to help further the development of Tron. In doing so, we gained major visibility, as well as built strong links with Tron and the partnered projects of the event. Let’s go!
The source code is officially accessible to all!
Since our listing, we’ve been working on and improving our source code behind closed doors. As you know, this isn’t really the blockchain spirit, but given the disruptive potential of other blockchains in advertizing, we couldn’t risk a competitor taking our sweet secrets and running with them.
However, as a leader in the 3.0 advertizing industry, we finally decided to open our doors and make our source code public. Not only that… you can even participate and earn rewards!
2022 – 2023, The Moonboy SaTT goes on an Adoption Mission
Cool, so now that you’re up to speed, let’s look at SaTT’s next steps:
If you ran into us at the recent Binance Blockchain Week in Paris, we let you in on a few upcoming events, but there are still some surprises in store!
A new business model for a new adventure
When we launched SaTT in 2018, we brought forward a business model and tokenomics that were appropriate at that time.
We can all agree, a LOT has happened and evolved since then. Farming, DeFi, Cross-chain, NFT, Play-2-Earn, all these innovations did not exist and Ethereum’s Merge was still just a sweet dream!
Many on our social channels have asked us to evolve, and trust us, we are well aware! That’s why oh dear Moonboy fans we have great news for you: the entire SaTT rocket has evolved!

From 2022-2023, expect to see not only buyback of SaTT in the market, but also token burn.
Meaning, the more SaTT is used, the more the price of SaTT will be supported upwards until we reach our new goal: deflationary SaTT!
Are you starting to catch on to why we’ve been adding new blockchains and oracles lately? Oh yes, these are key elements in the launch of this new model.
On top of this, to incorporate our appreciation for your amazing support, part of this new model will be dedicated to launching initiatives to reward our growing community.
Now that you know more about the new SaTT business model, let’s talk about the next steps to help launch it.
New partnerships with well-known crypto projects
In addition to continuing our partnerships with TRON and BitTorrent, SaTT will continue our other existing blockchain partnerships. With this in mind, get ready to see new Ad Pool campaigns come out and support the launch and running of new cryptocurrencies.
And as usual, your opinion matters! Don’t hesitate to share with us any other blockchain projects that you think we should work with.
Vk, Pinterest, and other Oracles are coming!
It’s no doubt there are an enormous amount of social network channels, each with users who are eager to become social farmers. Now that we already support the most popular and widely used social networks, it’s time to focus on all of the others out there.
Vk is one of them. Equivalent to Facebook in Russia, Vk is the 25th most visited website in the world. Can you believe it?
Between the government’s reforms in the direction of crypto and the population’s initiatives in the country to help adoption, we’re convinced that Russia has great potential and that we can help them in their mission.
Alongside Vk we’re also working on an Oracle for Pinterest. While the photo-sharing social network is very popular among Americans, the second largest users are from Brazil. Let us remind you, all eyes are currently on Latin America and the big names in the industry like Binance have them in their sights.
With officially over 1 million crypto users in Brazil, we’re determined to get our piece of the pie long before we blow out our 3rd birthday candle.
Of course, other networks are in the works, but we’ve already told you about them in a previous article.
New blockchains integrations on the way
We’re pleased to announce new exciting blockchain integrations are on the way, soon to increase the pace of buybacks and burns and continue the democratization of social farming.
We’ll of course start with EVM-compatible blockchains, but don’t worry, we’ll soon venture into non-EVM-friendly territory.
Which ones? All bets are off, but again, don’t hesitate to make suggestions and let us know why.
This year, more than ever, the community is in charge of SaTT!
Ad Pools go public, you can launch your own campaigns!
You’ve probably been asking for this innovation the most, and we’ve been eager to introduce it ever since the project started…
Soon, instead of just participating in Ad Pool campaigns we or our partners launch, you will be able to create your own!
The campaign duration, terms, supported cryptocurrencies, and which blockchain to use, you have more power than ever! And as you’ve seen with our new business model, the cherry on top is that more Ad Pools means more buyback and burn, bringing SaTT closer and closer to becoming deflationary!
“You’re not born an influencer, you become one”, in addition to taking on its full meaning, this year will also be joined by “you’re not born a digital marketer, you become one”!
So now, you know everything. Oh wait! What’s that about a surprise at the end? Yes… I forgot!
A surprise bonus to win in celebration of our anniversary!
More details are on the way, but what better way to end this crazy year than with an equally crazy event? In addition to celebrating our birthday in style, this special event will be the perfect opportunity to attract new users like never before.
Because yes, there is a surprise bonus to be won, there’s no doubt that the number of participants will far exceed our previous campaigns.
What do you mean you can’t see the surprise? In that case, I guess you’ll just have to follow our news on Twitter to find out… Don’t worry, it’s only a few days wait!
Now you really know everything! Thanks again for this incredible year and for your amazing support. Yes, we keep repeating ourselves, but without you, none of this would have been possible, so we must insist!
We’ll see you soon for the next updates and of course, for this huge contest. In the meantime, be well, and above all, farm well!