15 Best Apps To Use As An Investor
Using investor apps might not be an issue when you’re young and have money to put into the market, but it can become a necessity as you get older. When your nest egg is in jeopardy, purchasing investments may become more of a concern. This list of apps will help you do just that, with options for every type of investor and a variety of different types of programs. This list covers free, paid, and subscription services that can be used as a way to make purchases, as well as honest reviews to help you figure out which ones are worth your time.
1. Market Watch
One of the best-known investor apps, you might know Market Watch as a subscription service, available for a monthly fee of $12.99, and it’s also free to download on the app stores. This application is free and can be used any time at the touch of your fingertips. Market Watch provides investors with up-to-date information about the economy. With this app, you can view current quotes and make quick trades to try to get ahead by buying low or selling high before others do so.2. Seeking Alpha
Seeking Alpha is a free program that can be used on your PC and mobile devices. It’s a paid subscription service that offers information about the market, but it’s also supported by ads. Although this isn’t a complete investment application, it is useful because it offers information to support your decision-making process.3. Td Ameritrade
TD AMERITRADE is a free investment application that can be used on desktop and mobile devices. It offers stock quotes, articles, and tools to give you the data you need to make intelligent investing decisions. The paid subscription service costs $6.95 per month with no additional charges for mobile devices.4. Sig Fig
The SIG FIG application is also a paid subscription service available to users on desktop and mobile devices. This service offers customizable stock portfolios as well as analytics. For just $3.99 per month, this app can be used to manage your account, buy stocks and view the analytics of your portfolio performance.5. Investing.Com
Investing.com is also free and paid subscription service on desktop and mobile devices. This app can be used to find up-to-date information about the stock market, including analysis of current trends, investment tips, and more.6. M1 Finance
M1 Finance is a free program available for download on mobile and desktop devices. There is no subscription fee per month and the app offers the ability to view news, analyze trends, check stock quotes, participate in discussions, and more. This app is not only recommended for investors but also for those who are interested in entrepreneurial startups.7. Acorns
ACORNS is a free app that offers real-time market quotes as well as news, analysis, and even trading. This app is available for both desktop and mobile devices.8. Coin Base
Coin Base is a mobile app that can be used to buy, sell and invest in cryptocurrency. This trading platform offers four different types of accounts, depending on your level of experience with investing in digital currency. These accounts are Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, and the Pro option. For example, the Basic account is free but does not offer the ability to view all market data or make trades using limited orders. The Pro account will cost you some bucks per month but it will not have such limitations.9. Coin Market Cap
Coin Market Cap is a free app available to users of desktop and mobile devices. This app can be used to find information about the top 500 cryptocurrencies, including prices, market capitalization, and more.10. Robinhood
Robinhood is a paid valuation app available on desktop and mobile devices which offers more than 5,000 stocks and ETFs.11. Yahoo Finance
Yahoo Finance is available to users of desktop and mobile devices, but it’s a basic program that offers no additional features.12. Stock Twits
StockTwits is a free application that can be downloaded on desktop and mobile devices. This app allows users to view the latest tweets from investors all over the world regarding up to 100,000 different stocks and ETFs. This app also offers real-time market quotes, alerts, and analytics.13. Stockpile
Stockpile is a free mobile application that allows users to make investments of as little as $5 for a variety of stocks, ETFs, bonds, and mutual funds. This app offers information about accounting and financial advice to help you learn more about investing.14. Stash
Stash is a free mobile application that offers information about stocks and the market, as well as a stock tracker. This app allows investors to set up portfolios, look at their portfolio performance and get news about the market.15. Learn
This is a free mobile app that allows users to watch videos and participate in discussions. It’s a great app for those who want to learn more about different aspects of the market as they can access videos and discussions related to specific stocks and investments.Bottom Line These are just a few investor apps that can help you make investments, manage your portfolio and even trade. With these apps available to you on the app stores, there’s no need for a bank or broker. These apps are free and offer the ability to keep your investing process simple and streamlined. From this list, users may decide which one to download and use to start making better choices about their money.