Transaction Password: What You Need to Know
Your transaction password is the most important element that allows you to access your funds. You solely are responsible for it and it becomes unrecoverable when you lose it. That is why in this article we want to remind you of the important security rules in order to best manage your crypto funds. How should you choose your transaction password? Where should you write down your password? How can you recover a lost password?
Table of Contents
1. How should you choose your transaction password? Where should you write down your password?
2. How can you recover a lost password?
How should you choose your transaction password?
When registering on the SaTT site, you must choose two passwords: a password for your account and a transaction password. It is the latter that secures your wallet and, therefore, your funds.
For your security, we have decided not to store your passwords. If we come under attack, your passwords are protected. But if you lose or forget your password, we cannot give it back to you. You are therefore solely responsible for your funds.
We previously published an article on choosing your password in which you will find the answers to the following questions:
• Why keep your transaction password safe?
• How do I keep my password safe?
• What risks of hacking can I suffer?
• How can I choose the right transaction password?
This article explains all these points to you in detail, so please read it carefully.
How can you recover a lost password?
As we’ve previously explained, we are not responsible for your funds because we do not have the necessary elements to unlock them, that is, to access them; you are the sole owner of your password.
But then, how can you recover your password when it is lost?
The only way is to try to remember it. To help you, you can test it as many times as you want on the SaTT application as there is no blocking or trial limit—perseverance always pays off! 👀