Share our news: SaTT is now listed on bittrex!
We are proud to announce that we are now listed on Bittrex! To earn some $SaTT, share this news on Twitter and farm your post. 🐦🚜
You can now trade $SaTT on Bittrex. 👨🏻💻👨🏻🚀🚀Pair: https://global.bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USDT-SATT
In order to spread the word that we are stepping up in the game, be part of SaTT experience and share your love on Twitter! 🔥🔥
Ad Pool Link: https://satt.atayen.us/#/myWallet/campaign/617954c3cb2973758665c73c
Brief to respect
Be part of the SaTT community!
Write a tweet and share the awesome news that we are now listed on @BittrexExchange.
You’ll be rewarded with 4 SaTT / views, so give the best of yourself!
- Share the news
- Farm your post
- Harvest your earnings
General information
- Blockchain network: Binance Smart Chain BEP20
- Maximum duration: 1 month
- Budget: 5,000,000 SaTT
- Reward / Impression: 4 SaTT
- Max Reach: 175%
- Tweet in English only
- One tweet per week maximum
- Do not make two similar tweets
- Include an image from the campaign kit
- Include the link of the trading pair on Bittrex Global or one of our announcement article
- Include the hashtags #FarmPost & #AdPool
- Mention @SaTT_Token and @BittrexExchange
- 🔴🤚 False profile, false likes, false retweet = Risk of ban
- Have BNB BEP20 in your wallet to pay Binance Smart Chain transaction fees (less than $2 of BNB BEP20 is required to submit a link or claim rewards) [Buy on Binance] [Buy on PancakeSwap]
How to participate
- Write a tweet following the conditions above
- How to find your tweet URL: https://satt-token.com/blog/2021/11/03/how-to-find-your-twitter-url/
- Click on “Participate” in this Ad Pool
- Enter the link and validate